Respond 2 IT

Respond 2 IT

This unique Sequs Connect app simplifies the management of emergency planning and response by providing defined templates for the creation of emergency plans, scheduling and automatic notification when emergency exercises are planned.The Respond 2 IT app is linked to other relevant apps for example PLAN IT,TRAIN IT and COMMUNICATE IT.

Key Features of Respond 2 IT

A series of Sequs Connect apps to implement and maintain a process(es) needed to prepare for and respond to potential emergency situations, including:

  • Provision of templates for the creation of emergency response plans.
  • Use of integrated Plan IT app for assisting in planning of response to emergency situations, including the provision of first aid.
  • Link to Train IT app to record training for the planned emergency response
  • Track IT to ensure periodically testing and exercising on the planned response capability.
  • Measure IT link to ensure evaluation of  performance and, as necessary, revising the planned response, including after testing.
  • Communicate IT app to  provide relevant information to all workers on their duties and responsibilities in an emergency response situation.
  • Plan IT app integration to take into account the needs and capabilities of all relevant interested parties and ensuring their involvement, as appropriate, in the development of the planned response.
  • Document IT app to  maintain and retain documented information on the process(es) and on the plans for responding to potential emergency situations.